A password will appear if 3 stages or more are cleared in EXPERT mode.
*** Internet Ranking ***
Please enter your information in the [] brackets. Please do not alter the other text.
e.g. [konami]
After entering all relevant information, send the e-mail.
N.B. Please understand that a reply can take up to a few hours.
-- Please enter the following information --
Please enter your DJ Name the same as the one you entered during the game.
:20:DJNAME2:[MARY]:Only enter for 2P games.
:27:MAIL:[mary@gm.konami.co.jp]:2P's mail address
:30:Password:[01234567]:Please enter your 8 digit password.
Please enter the country in which you played the game. (e.g.:[Hong Kong]:)
:40:[Hong Kong]:Country Name:
Please enter where you played the game and any messages.
(Do not press enter)
:50:[Arcade Konami]:Arcade/Location Name:
:60:[Aiming for Number 1 !]:Message:
:00:<-------Please stay within this length------->:
Please enter the following information only if you want your personal
information made public on Konami's Homepage. Be warned that the
information will be accessible across the globe.
:70:URL:[http://www.konami.co.jp/gm/]:Enter a URL you would like displayed (optional).
:80:MAIL:[mike@gm.konami.co.jp]:address you would like displayed (optional).
--- End ---