メールの中から 代表的な御質問に 回答します! |
Q: Why did my previously ranked score disappear?
A: If you register a higher score to the one previously registered, the lower score will automatically disappear.
Q: I sent an e-mail to "gm-info", however a password registration format wasn't sent back.
A: Please send password registration e-mails to "ranking@english.gm.konami.co.jp".
Q: May I register my password under a different address to previous registrations?
A: Even with the same DJ Name, registration under two addresses will lead to two separate rankings.
Q: May I change my DJ Name at time of registration?
A: Please register your DJ Name the same as the one entered in the game.
Q: Does it matter if I don't enter a DJ Name?
A: You cannot register without a DJ Name.
Q: Can I register more than once using the same password?
A: You can re-register, however only your comments can be changed. You will not accumulate extra "Beatpoints".
Q: Can I publicise my Homepage or e-mail address on the ranking board?
A: If you enter the information into the "Ranking Board" section on the registration form, then it will be displayed.
Q: Is the Internet Ranking affected by the game's difficulty setting?
A: In EXPERT course, if the difficulty level has been increased, then BAD and POOR judgements will cause greater decreases of the "groove level". However, the score and the GREAT judgement zone will not be affected,
therefore having no adverse effects on Internet Ranking.
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